What We Do:
- Parking Lot Sweeping
We have many Sweeping packages custom-fit to meet your needs.
- Environmental Hand Picking
Add Hand Picking cleaning service to your Parking Lot Sweeping .
We will hand-pick your parking lots and landscaped areas to remove litter.
- Vacuum Sweeping
To remove daily papers and litter from your parking lot.
- Illegal Dumpings Cleanups
To remove debris dumped in your lot illegally.
- Store, Office and Building Cleanouts
To remove items and fixtures from previous tenants.
- Pot Hole Repairs
Overlay the holes with hot Asphalt, or saw cut the holes and fill with hot
Asphalt, and we seal the edges to prevent water intrusion.
- Parking Lot Signs replaced or repaired.
- Bumper Stop replacement or repair.
- Graffiti Removal
- Pressure Washing